Friday, May 12, 2017

Oh goody, it's a sample!

        So i finally made the amount of progress on that project I've been working on! But before that, a quick nerding out! Kingsman 2 is on the way and I absolutely loved the first one, so I've been watching the first one every dang night! I can't wait for the over-the-top, amazingly corny jokes ("This ain't that kind of movie bruv."),  and the [SPOILERS] return of Colin Firth! Anyhowitzer, enough about that, time for the reveal, right? Here's a picture of the work below!

Guessed what it is? Hint: I'm working on a script for an animated "The Heroes of Olympus" series to pitch to Rick and Disney. Here's hoping right? Anyhowitzer again, I should get back to work, have a great weekend!

Friday, May 5, 2017

It's Friday night!

        So it's Friday night, and the world keeps moving! My sample that I said might be out this week, unfortunately, isn't ready just yet, but hopefully next week it will be! I want to make sure that it's in a really good place to make sure it's presentable. In other news, my club at school, CyberLAN Gaming (Not actually my club but I'm an officer) is quite possibly getting a Tespa chapter! It's not finalized yet, but I did get to meet with a representative online today!

        I do want to take a moment to give a shout out to someone I found this week (read: literally yesterday and I binge read 600+ pages of their comic), Emy Bitner. She makes a comic called Trying Human which you can find here! Keep in mind it's mildly NSFW (strong language, minor nudity, and adult situations in Emy's words), but it's a fantastic read and it's not over the top in any of those categories. Please, enjoy the comic!